Friday, February 09, 2007

Closer to 60 miles a week barrier

Frankly - I'm afraid to Run a 20 miler. But I have to do it anyway. 20 Miler scares me more than Marathon itself!
I believe there is a sort of "Virtual coefficient" for those who run in my conditions comparing to those with normal track in Chicago, Maine or Ireland. So if I make 18 with hard snow, tough wind and all those winter things is almost / sort of equal to 20 miles in normal conditions.

Coming back to my Sunday Half marathon, I didn't intend to make a Half, i wanted a Longer Run, at least 15 miles. As you may see it, Kept Sub 9:00 pace first 11 miles, then backed off hoping to make at least 4 more miles with sub 10:00.

It didn't occur. I stopped my Mr. Garmin and fell down to the snow. The Half. Done.
If I had knew I'm doing only the Half I would push sub 9:00 till the end.
Overshot the mark.
The Lesson to learn or my issue on How to Make a Good Long Run?

This week: Sun, Feb 4 - Sat, Feb 10th:
Feb 04, 2007, PM: 13,11 miles, 1:57:11, avg. pace 8:56, avg. HR 140
Feb 05, 2007, PM: 7,00 miles, 1:05:32, avg. pace 9:21, avg. HR 136
Feb 06, 2007, PM: 4,00 miles, 37:53, avg. pace 9:28, avg. HR 139 WIND!
Feb 07, 2007, PM: 8,00 miles, 1:10:01, avg. pace 8:45, avg. HR 138 opposite Wind!
and yesterday I made ...
Feb 08, 2007, PM: 4 miles !!! ain't that a SHAME! my stomach! gave me signal to give up WEIRD
and it disappeared, yep without a trace

recently I talked to "legendary" Mark and said that I would try to "crash 65" barrier.
As per now I made 32,10 miles (plus 4 miles on Feb 8th) during this week.
I have Today's eve, tomorrow's morning and Eve.
Now I really doubt about 65 but Sixty is something real.
I better get going

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